At Photos by LJK, we love celebrating women who walk in authenticity, faith, and power. Today, we’re sitting down with Ariel Thorne, a woman who embodies grace, boldness, and the beauty of learning to pour into herself. Let’s dive into her story!
Ariel: Ariel Thorne.
Ariel: The woman who inspires me most is the woman who brought me earthside: my dearest mother. She embodies grace and positively impacts every life she enters. She is full of compassion and genuine care. I am blessed to have been raised in her light.
Ariel: If I could meet my younger self, I’d get down—eye level, look little “Ari” in her eyes, hold both of her hands and say:
“You are worthy of love and good care. You actually DON’T deserve pain—stop hurting yourself. This love and grace you constantly give to others? Give it to yourself. And learn some boundaries. It’ll spare some of the headaches.”
Then I’d hug her tight for a long, long time. Very long.
Ariel: Hmm. Immediately “Waging War” by CeCe Winans comes to mind. That’s my “Ok, enough is enough! Time to remember who you are and push through” song. Works every time 🙂
Ariel: I enjoy long quiet walks down the aisles of Target when I’m not working.
I also enjoy watching reruns of my favorite movies and reciting the script with the characters or getting lost in a good book. Note: the book is always better than the movie 🙂
Ariel: Audacious!
Ariel: Do I always embody it? Nope. But this year, I’ve vowed to be bold. To lean further into discomfort, walk deeper into calculated risks, stand firmer in authenticity, and surrender fully to the One who is ordering every step. I dare to be audacious 🙂
Ariel: I celebrate every victory with a “Thank you, Jesus” whispered beneath my breath. Then I give myself permission to “buy a little treat”—which is usually an Amazon order: that new book I’ve been eyeing or a cute mug addition to my cup collection.
Ariel: A younger version of me equated strength with physical ability. I thought that strength was big and tall and loud.
These days, strength is choosing what may be difficult in the moment but yields the best long-term results. It is restraint. It is discipline. And I embody strength every time I intentionally choose what is in alignment versus what is easy.
Ariel: If I had the power to make one change for women in this world, I’d get her to see the beauty in being a woman.
I’d convince her of her own beauty outside of all the roles she may play. I’d pour confidence into her every crevice until any insecurity is gone, and then I’d personally choke slam any shame keeping her from believing the best about who she’s called to be—so that the next time she passes a mirror, she smiles at her reflection without hesitation because she sees something good 🙂
Ariel: I have kept a human alive for 5 whole years. Almost six. I believe THAT is my greatest accomplishment.
Second to this victory is that I have managed to make a living doing what I am most passionate about: educating, equipping, and empowering others!
Ariel: When I was young, my grandmother (another light in my life) would always tell me “Keep on livin’.” I hated it! But as an adult, I understand.
My billboard would say: Just keep on livin’!
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I love you Ari Proud to Be your brother. even prouder Your My sister. Keep winning. It looks good on you.
Ari!!!! I am beyond proud of the woman you are becoming. Continue being an inspiration!!